jstego Home Page

  Welcome, this is the home page of jstego, a project aims at JPEG steganography. For more Informations, please visit project's home page.

  The current release version is 0.3, which is still on alpha testing phase. You can download the binary distribution here. Or do a checkout from the svn repository:

svn co https://jstego.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jstego jstego

  Curious about how it works? jstego never store secret informations in the markers of JFIF files. Instead, it uses steganography algorithms (such as Jsteg and F5) to store the secret directly into the image data. However, the change of processed image (aka stego image) can not be detected by human beings, and it's also difficult for computers to find the differences between stego images and ordinary images.

  Note: This software is open-sourced and should not be used in critical area. Because there are some application specific information stored in every JPEG file it generated in clear text, the stego images may be easily detected and the secret file can be easily restored. However, some crypto features are considered to be added in future versions.

  Want to contact the author? Just send email to:

signallock 4t gmail d0T com
  Enjoy~ (-:

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